Articles, Thoughts & Offerings​​
Chakras, Crystals & Angels

“Chakras, Crystals & Angels” is a 2-hour workshop designed as an introduction to the 7 personal chakras, their energies and rainbow colors. Why is the rainbow an excellent map? Because the 7 colors of the rainbow coincide exactly with the colors of our 7 chakras. First, we honor the angels and invite them in with Frankincense.  The chakra chart is then explained, back and front, along with the aspects of the chakras. One by one, 7 angels of the same 7 
rainbow colors, who care for the chakras, are introduced, along with their individual characteristics, their gem stones and their fragrances. After each angel is introduced, we join in a brief meditation prayer to honor the angel. There is then a discussion of suggestions for clothes and foods of the 7 colors, using 7 colors for 7 days for 7 chakras. With the powerful Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards, the workshop ends with an Angel Card read for everyone. This is a beautiful celebration of our 6 senses. (Sight - color. Sound - music. Taste - food. Smell - incense. Touch - stones. Intuition - angels.)           Namaste!
2 -Hour Workshop - $150.00         Attendee Supplies (7 chakra stones and bag, chakra chart, "Pocket Book
                                                                                      of Stones", notebook & pen) - $60.00

"I do not ask why I seek warm waters
There is no clear voice calling me home
I do not question safe haven awaits me
I only know I'm meant to go"

Like the ancient leviathans, following their instinct by way of Source and the current, we can learn to hear the soft voices that speak to our highest and best interests, let go of control, and experience the magic of the path of least resistance.
Be The Whale
Put Your Words Through Rumi's Four Gates

I don’t believe we should have to set boundaries, with one exception – The Golden Rule. When someone violates this core tenet of behaving toward others as we would like them to behave towards us, it's a “warning shot” and I steer clear. Here's why. I could never purposefully weaponize my words to “hurt” someone else in any capacity. Therefore, I don’t. This is how I would like to be treated. Golden Rule boundary violators are to be avoided.
If everyone followed just this one seemingly simple rule, there would be no need for many other regulations and laws. For example:

No shootings – absolutely no one likes to be shot, so don’t shoot anyone.
Theft – No one likes getting their stuff ripped off, so don’t steal.
Lies – The truth sometimes stings, but not like getting caught in a lie! Do not tell untruths. No exceptions. Present the truth as you would like to have it presented to you. With honesty, but not bluntness. Try compassion.

To achieve compassion, engage discernment. Before you let fly with your words, stop and put them through a filtration system. I recommend “Rumi’s 4 Gates,” based on an old Sufi tradition:

The Four Gates of Speech - An old Sufi tradition from the prophet Rumi advises us to speak only after our words have managed to pass through four gates. At the first gate, we ask ourselves, "Are these words true?" If so, we let them pass on; if not, back they go. At the second gate we ask; "Are they necessary?" At the third gate we ask; "Are they beneficial?" and at the fourth gate, we ask, "Are they kind?" If the answer to any of these is no, then what you are about to say should be left unsaid.

Although not easy, always listen to your own words as though you were the recipient.      Namaste!