About Me​​​​
Victoria Reid​
I am a native of West Hollywood, in Southern California. I have a thirty-year background as a business writer and editor, and a life-long fascination with the human psyche, which led me to my study of psychology. My primary area of expertise is in helping those afflicted with narcissism - the narcissists and their families. 

My particular passion is criminal psychology. Once I had explored the root causes of narcissism in criminals, I translated my knowledge over to the populace at large and began working with non-criminal narcissists. (It’s a surprisingly fine line in many cases.)​​ There is a terrible stigma around the word "narcissism." It is not about being egocentric; it's about the narcissist creating a skewed reality to protect him/herself against fear. The fear usually stems from a very deep place, and my goal is to discover that place, then help the sufferer adjust their reality and get rid of the fear.
"When you have your mind made up, there's no room left for magic!"
From an early age, I have been channeling and downloading information. In order to use my intuitive gifts with discipline, I earned my certification as a Medium and Spiritual Counselor in 2014, from Delphi University in Georgia. This formal course of study gave me the necessary training and insight to optimize my intuition. I went on to be involved, among other things, in missing person cases. Very rewarding, often tragic.

I weave together elements of psychology and intuition in my practice as an Intuitive Life Coach. Clients come to me for many reasons - for help with their fears and phobias, help with their addictions, help in contacting loved ones on the other side, help with determining a near-term life path, with decisions, with relationships, with grief, with end of life counseling - no matter what your question or distress, I'm here to help.

Life Coach sessions with me are likely to be different than any you've previously experienced. Many therapists wish to explore how you feel. I wish to explore "What happened?" Fear is the real root, underlying all imbalances of the psyche. Once we dig down to the depths of the mind and soul, then determine the basis of the fear and trauma, real and enduring relief is very possible and indeed probable. Anticipate joy, anticipate humor, anticipate lightness as a remedy to any darkness.

​Victoria Reid

Intuitive Life Coach,
​Medium and Spiritual Counselor
Certified in:

Color and Sound Healing
Inner Sanctuary Training