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"Fear is the Enemy"

(805) 402-7096

Intuitive Life Coach
​​"Sometimes the mind writes a script that's at war with the soul."

Fear is the common root of almost every disorder plaguing the human mind. Going deep into the psyche, I assist clients in accessing primal places not often addressed by traditional therapists. As one of my clients explains it, “Victoria Reid is the first mental health professional to fully grasp the issues that I have struggled with my whole life.” I have relieved many clients of their addictions, not through will power, but by determining the initial cause of the pain and digging down as far as necessary to truly heal the heart and soul.​​​

Victoria Reid
Intuitive Life Coach
​Counselor, Medium, Channel

"Sometimes the mind writes a script that's at war with the soul."

Fear is the common root of almost every disorder the plaguing the human mind. Going deep into the psyche, I assist clients in accessing primal places not often addressed by traditional therapists. As one of my clients explains it, “Victoria Reid is the first mental health professional to fully grasp the issues that I have struggled with my whole life.” I have relieved many clients of their addictions, not through will power, but by determining the initial cause of the pain and digging down as far as necessary to truly heal the heart and soul.
Fear Management

Near-term Life Path

"Ask me about the 72-Hour Rule to minimize chaos."

If you feel like a prisoner of anxiety, fears and phobias, or deep concerns and worries, I begin by helping you determine the origin - the event that triggered the initial fear. Once the underlying incident is isolated, the client can begin to heal as we restructure the psyche. The new inner self emerges, released from the bondage of fear.
"Listen quietly to your mind, then follow with your heart."

I do not take my clients too far into the future - for the work I do, it's best that we stay within 72 hours. I can assist with near-term decisions that impact the "now." This would include any questions you have about your career, destinations, relationships, family, or whatever else you'd like help with. 
End of Life Counseling
"Helping Souls on Both Sides"
"Fearful is not the way we are meant to enter our eternity."

I have a unique first-hand view of the afterlife, and can be of significant help in reassuring those who are about to pass. The goal is to help the person preparing to transition achieve end-of-life serenity, then fully understand and embrace the overwhelming joy that awaits them in their eternity.

The first step in contacting someone you've lost, someone you long to talk to, is to think about them. I can help you bring those who have passed from earth, through from the other side of the veil. Know that your loved ones are just as anxious to speak with you, as you are to speak with them. These sessions are always joyous, and greatly assist in alleviating the ache of missing someone you've lost and love so much.
Ask me about my terminology: The 72-Hour Rule · The Snickers Bar Syndrome · Spaghetti and Yarn · Baby Elephant Blockades · The Wisdom of Chaos · Teeter-Totter of Emotions · Serenity · Balance · Angel Whispers · Snow Globes · Addictions are Binkies · Rumi's Four Gates · Be The Whale · Forgiveness is Letting Go
​Controlling People are Prisoners of Fear